I want to revisit the topic this blog broached back in
March. If you didn’t read that one, you
can find it at http://primepaintball.blogspot.com/2016_03_01_archive.html
In that one, we discussed a mental approach to the game. After a few conversations
recently and a few articles I have read as of late, this conversation is
far from over.
Most players and coaches in our sport, especially at the divisional level, don't emphasize the mental approach to our game as much as they probably should. The physicality of the game, the fundamentals
of our sport, are certainly relevant and needed, but ultimately, if you don't know what to do, when, and why, I don't care how good your snap is, chances are, you will get outworked. I would imagine most if not all of the
players on Impact or Dynasty still get out there and drill. However, I bet that the members of these
two teams “practice” the mental aspect of the game more than most. And it is THIS aspect, THIS approach to the game that, in my
humble opinion, separates the greats from the “pretty goods”. Coaches, take note because, whereas we
addressed what the player needs to bring to the party in our March blog post,
this one is firmly directly at you and what you can bring to their mentality.
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And that is why paintball is like the cherry blossom... |
How many times have you heard/said this one, “You are
overthinking it!”? I know I am certainly
guilty of using that one and not just on players and teammates but myself. I am sure we would all agree that our
thoughts influence our behavior and vice versa, yes? How many times have you looked at a player
and attributed their lackluster performance to their “overthinking”? What about, “Your making it more complicated
than it is.”? Come on…
admit it. Or how about, “Just play paintball!”
Yeah, you’re guilty.
We use comments and terms like this all the time, right? Perhaps we
think it motivates a player or is somehow teaching them something. As if we were paintball's greatest philosopher with our simplistic statements being equivalent to Plato's Republic. And what really happens when we do this? What
are we really saying? Let's face it, we aren't really saying anything. I have been
reading some great books and articles on Sports Psychology and I am beginning to see a pattern. Don’t get me wrong, full disclosure here, but
I have read books on child birth too but that didn’t make me an expert…that being said, I have been around paintball and paintball teams for awhile and played sports my whole life. Couple that with being around some of the greatest minds in the game, you begin to pick up on a thing or two.
Let me ask you something and answer this honestly. Let’s pretend we were at practice together or
an event and you just struggled during a point where you lost or made a mistake
which ended up costing the point. I walk
up to you and say, “Stop thinking so hard man!
Just play paintball. Jeez!”
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Discussing what needs to happen when, where and why |
What does that even mean???!!
Chances are, I elicited one of 3 reactions from you; A. You become
motivated and full of determination and focus and will now go out and play your
heart out because these words somehow magically tapped into your visceral self! HULK SMASH! Perhaps B. You’re a millennial who now needs
a safe space or safe zone or whatever trigger word protection you are calling it these days so you crawl up within yourself and ask to be sat because, God
forbid, someone depends on you for production.
Or more than likely C. You think I should go jump in the nearest lake
creating resentment between you and I and now your mind has another issue to
contend with and you are anything but focused on the task at hand. How are you as a player
supposed to translate what I said into action and what am I really trying to
say to you? Are you relaxed now? Are you really going to “stop thinking” as it
were? Doubtful.
I have an idea, let’s TALK about that funny little pinko
commie Bernie Sanders. We are going to
talk about him, how we feel about him, and give our opinions about his
political policies. But now, while we do
this, don’t THINK about him. . . Come on now, don’t let the image of that goofy
cartoon of a man creep into your thoughts. . . Don’t think about Bernie
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Yep... |
What’s the first thing that just popped into your head? You probably thought of that ridiculous human
muppet who thinks Cuba’s economy is what we need here in the good ol' US of A, amiright? More than likely. See how this may be an issue? I am asking you not to think about something I
am SPEAKING to you about! In other
words, I tell you to stop thinking about it and just play paintball, what are
you inclined to do? Probably think about
it… and try something that I had no intention of you trying on the field.
Granted, this is but one aspect, one simple and narrow example. Still, ask yourself, did we make them better and help
them focus on the task at hand? Did we
add anything meaningful or productive to our player? Did we assist their mental approach to the game or did we just add another obstacle to their learning process?
My next question is, how many times have you told yourself NOT to do something but then you go out and do the exact thing you told yourself not to do? “I better not miss my runner on the break!” or “I better trade with my guy at the W” only to miss the guy or not trade? "The guys will think I suck if I don't do this right!" "The coach is going to be pissed if I don't stay alive this point". Uh-huh... psych yourself much? Did the coach's insightful and definitive "say something but not really" speech help? Doesn't sound like it.
My next question is, how many times have you told yourself NOT to do something but then you go out and do the exact thing you told yourself not to do? “I better not miss my runner on the break!” or “I better trade with my guy at the W” only to miss the guy or not trade? "The guys will think I suck if I don't do this right!" "The coach is going to be pissed if I don't stay alive this point". Uh-huh... psych yourself much? Did the coach's insightful and definitive "say something but not really" speech help? Doesn't sound like it.
It boils down to this. . . for every fundamental drill you
do, you better find a mental equivalent.
Coaches (and players) need to emphasize this to the nth degree (that
means a lot for those of you wondering what an nth is). We must learn to think with purpose . . .
deliberate and effective purpose. When
we do this, we will gain confidence in our actions. When we gain confidence, we can maximize our
potential in action. We will become
competent. And competency is the first
step to greatness. This needs to be the
goal for all practices leading to an event. We need to know how to help them LEARN... and in some cases, UNLEARN (that is a different blog altogether). We must choose our comments, statements, questions, and thoughts carefully so that we elicit the appropriate and desired response.
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Understanding and documenting game play |
Now, we have talked about the mental aspect of PERFORMANCE
but just as important is the actual mental aspect of the GAME. Tournament paintball is not just 5 guys with
paintball guns who go out on the field. You’re a front player, he’s a back
player, and we will all go here and there and yonder. BAM! Good luck!
Absolutely not.
There is a flow to this game. There are things that need to
happen when executing a game plan. There are
things that need to happen when and if the game plan is broke or
countered. There are things that need to
happen and then there are things that will go wrong. It is a chess match. Coaches will make mistakes with the wrong
call/approach but a player still has to execute/produce. Questions we need to ask
ourselves; what’s our goal on the snake side, the middle and/or the dorito side? What is the first, second, third goals of our
D side attack? If A then B? Or if A then C? How do we know if it’s B or C? THAT is the mental part of the game that
lower divisional teams seem to miss. I
have said this several times over the past few years, “Just because a bunker is
forward, does not mean it is the right bunker at the time.”
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Recognizing the flow of the game |
Teams, players and coaches (especially coaches) need to
realize that a game plan is NOT just the breakout.
These five guys will each go here on the break. Okay . . . Why? What is the purpose of that particular
break’s configuration? Where are we
putting our guns on the break and why? Why
are we putting a player here? What is
his job/goal from that point on? The
game plan is what is supposed to happen AFTER the break.
We will revisit this topic regarding the mental
aspect of our sport in next months’ blog. I hope to emphasize something I have been reading about called the “4 C’s”
of competition. Until then…
Be water my friends,
Michael Bianca